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Drunken Worker

Realized something tonight. Bars are too noisy and are often full of shit.
Meilin LCCA
Come onnn, Ryōshū...Just one drink?
How clingy she is when intoxicated, that Meilin. Nothing like her real self. I was surprised to find out myself.
Course...there's no reason to admit something like that.
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
Told you. My vice is the flame.
Meilin LCCA
You're no fun!
They cling to me like their life depends on it, even when I'm trying to walk her back to the office.
Hard to think when she's all over me.
Meilin LCCA
Hic...Ryōshū...Where are we going? Ooh, are we going to party?
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
I want to hate it. Badly do I wish to hate the drunken affections. Just an hour ago, she was in denial about everything.
Only now does this rabbit become lovey-dovey. W.A.J.
The rabbit swing her arms around the fox, ready to be gut open for offering. Yet I walk, and walk. Until she's home.
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
Meilin LCCA
Waaah!! I don't wanna sleep yet!
Meilin LCCA
Or...Mmmm...maybe I do?
Meilin LCCA
What should I do, what should I do...!
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
Whatever. Not leaving until you make a choice.
Time is so slow when you're waiting. Soon enough, she crashes onto the table.
Meilin LCCA
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
Meilin LCCA
When I wake up...I'm probably going to smack you, right?
Meilin LCCA
You should tell the sober me to be nicer sometime...Hehe...
Meilin LCCA
Mmm...Thanks...for bring me home.
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
It would be a shame to leave this rabbit for others to gawk at. So, I won't leave.
Not even if she feels the embarassment in the morning, and not even if she holds my hand still.
I want to hate her for this.
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
...I just can't leave you alone.